High school ecuadorian graduates’ interest in studying new university majors in open and distance modalities

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Ximena V. Jaramillo
Mercedes A. Villa
Mario V. Paguay


The objective of this study was to identify the Ecuadorian students’ interest in taking new academic offers in Open and Distance Modalities at “Técnica Particular de Loja” University (UTPL). This was a quantitative study, not experimental-descriptive, ex post-facto. An online questionnaire was administered, which was completed by 650 students of different high schools around the country. The results show that, currently, Ecuadorian high school graduates have a greater preference for studying traditional majors, in traditional classrooms, to new majors in distance education. Based on the results of this study, it is concluded that, in Ecuador, there is still a need to promote among high school graduates new academic offers which can meet the current global demand, as well as, new and modern learning methodologies through Open and Distance Education that, in an alternative way, allows them to have access to quality education.


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How to Cite
JaramilloX. V., VillaM. A., & PaguayM. V. (2019). High school ecuadorian graduates’ interest in studying new university majors in open and distance modalities. AXIOMA, (20), 35-43. Retrieved from https://axioma.pucesi.edu.ec/index.php/axioma/article/view/558
Author Biography

Ximena V. Jaramillo, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Departamento de Química y Ciencias Exactas, Loja-Ecuador


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