Cartography applied to environmental control in hydrocarbon spills

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Pablo Danilo Ordóñez Gutiérrez


This study case is based on an oil spill originated by a landslide in 2008 that led to the pipeline rupture of the Trans Ecuadorian Pipeline System (SOTE) and the Shushufindi-Quito Multiproduct Pipeline, both located in the northeast region of Ecuador, in Gonzalo Diaz Parish, El Chaco Canton, in the province of Napo. The data of the three different soil sampling campaigns (2008-2009 and 2010) was organized using geodatabases which resulted in an auto-correlation analysis of the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) parameter and their resulting pollutions maps. Only the information from the 2009 campaign was interpolated considering a variography according to the samples distribution of that year. The result of this analysis is the improving in the way that new soil samples had to be taken for the cleaning and restoring process, resulting in the recovering of a total of 10.5 hectares affected directly, where bacteria inoculation processes, which degrade the fragile hydrocarbon ecosystems of the Ecuadorian Amazon region, were held.


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Ordóñez GutiérrezP. D. (2020). Cartography applied to environmental control in hydrocarbon spills. AXIOMA, (21), 22-35. Retrieved from


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