Correlatos entre el estrés laboral crónico y la satisfacción por la vida según la percepción de una muestra de profesionales de la salud. Español

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Marina del Rocío Ramírez Zhindón
Evelin Astrid Calva Camacho Calva Camacho


Chronic work stress, is the physical or emotional exhaustion in workers that increases the risk of absenteeism or job abandonment, (Peña et al., 2018) it is typical of certain professions that maintain direct relationship with people, being the case of health professionals who are a group with high prevalence, due to the psychosocial risk factors to which they are exposed (García et al., 2018) so that, if this syndrome is not treated and remains long, it will have harmful consequences that will be reflected in the form of disease or psychological clinical manifestation (Ramirez et al., 2019) where satisfaction for life, could be a modulating variable before this syndrome, since the development of the same will allow mitigating these effects and improving the adaptability of the person in front of the challenges or threats that are presented. (Ardila, 2003). The main objective of this research was to determine the relationship between chronic work stress and life satisfaction as perceived by a sample of 359 health professionals. The instruments used were the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-HSS) and the Life Satisfaction Scale (ESV). Among the most relevant results we have the following: regarding Pearson's correlation, no significant relationship was found between burnout and life satisfaction, but a significant negative relationship was evidenced between burnout and depersonalization in reference to satisfaction; finally, regarding personal fulfillment, a significant relationship was found with satisfaction.


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Ramírez ZhindónM. del R., & Calva CamachoE. A. C. C. (2023). Correlatos entre el estrés laboral crónico y la satisfacción por la vida según la percepción de una muestra de profesionales de la salud. : Español. AXIOMA, 1(28), 5-9.


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