Electric bicycle prototype with photovoltaic solar charging station as a mean of sustainable urban transport

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José Martín Muñoz Salcedo


The current land transport expansion patterns no longer sustainable. The growth that results from the demand for private mobility has substantially increased greenhouse gas emissions – GHG and its associated complications: environmental acoustic pollution and vehicular congestion; these permutations which affect air quality, also increase climate changes resulting of the precision of optimization measures and promotions measures and promotion of transport modalities that converge to sustainability and sustainability, to the detriment of pollution promoted mostly by non-combusted particulate material. Clean and efficient transport technologies converge to a latent need to promote responsible energy consumption and forge a sustainable future .Alarming figures of pollution are reported worldwide, so this study derived from the design, construction and commissioning of a rear-wheel electric bicycle prototype, powered by a Ion-Lithium battery system, forges a zero emission alternative which, in addition, integrates a self- sustain solar photovoltaic charging station that produces the radiation from the solar resource for energy storage in a battery bank prepared to supply the energy demand for mobility, replacing conventional private transport. The results consistent with the technical dimensioning, reflect an optimal performance in terms of speed, autonomy and efficiency with a bicycle capable of generating ascending force on slopes and moving through irregular terrain with great power. An alternative that converges towards a technological maturity regarding electric mobility for the sake of sustainable development.


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Muñoz SalcedoJ. M. (2020). Electric bicycle prototype with photovoltaic solar charging station as a mean of sustainable urban transport. AXIOMA, (21), 76-83. Retrieved from https://axioma.pucesi.edu.ec/index.php/axioma/article/view/586


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